Donors: Foundation Bureau de Helling Democracy Development Aboard, Nederland.
Implementation time: 01/2019-12/2019
Budget: 28.895 EUR
Overall objective: Strengthening green capacities in Macedonia.
Specific objective 1: Strengthened capacities of the green activists for promoting the green values through social media.
Specific objective 2: Improved advocacy skills of the green councilors and members of the Parliament.
Specific objective 3: Improved networking skills of the green activities - CSOs, experts, academia.
Specific objective 4: Improved visibility of the green activists.
Brief description: The activities directed to mobilization and training of the green activists on national level, towards promotion of the green values, evaluation of the results and improving their capacities to advocate for specific topics. Strengthened capacities of the green activists on specific green topics (mining, urbanism, climate changes) by providing relevant information and data from the experts and policy papers. Contributed to networking of the green activities, CSOs, experts, academia. Raised awareness among general green-minded population.
1. Prepared 25 video clips of the green councilors with the commitments and results as a follow up from the activities during 2018. The videos were disseminated via social media.
2. Field work and campaign training of the green activists, one day event, 42 participants were trained. Shared experience with green topics and movements from Nederland and Macedonia.
3. National Conference on mining: No for mining, yes for the green economy, presenters were civil anti-mining activists from South-Eastern municipalities affected by the opening of new mines; 50 participants, followed by over 10 media. Mining and impact on environment and people’s health presented; the solutions from green economy instead of mining offered.
4. National Conference on green urbanism: How to make urbanism green? presenters were civil eco-activists fighting against unhuman urban planning, local councilors and state institutions; 120 participants, followed by over 10 media. The current situation with the greenery in the urban areas, the impact on environment and people, as well as the national and international legislative framework, were elaborated.
5. Strategic and evaluation meeting of green politicians, two day event, 25 participants in Berovo, together with representatives from the Green Institute and Bureau de Helling discussed on achievements and next goals.
6. Youth green activists training for youth engagement, fieldwork and campaign, two days training of 20 green youth activists for campaigning via social media, public presentation and engagement in field work. Bureau De Helling ensured support by an international trainer.
7. National Conference on climate changes, with Thomas Waitz, co-chair of the European Greens, State Secretary from the Ministry of Environment, civil activists, experts; 50 participants, followed by media. Dedicated to the climate changes as an almost “untouched topic” in the country and yet extremely important.
- 25 video clips;
- Policy paper on mining;
- Policy paper on green urbanism;
- Policy paper on climate changes.